Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 17 in total

Grandpa Science demonstration fo...

Kenneth Raymond

Wine Pull

Friends of Oxford

Oil Painting: Philodendron N.13,...

Marco Vangelisti

Wellness and Beauty Event for Four


$150 Gift Certificate for 1 Mont...

Berkeley Cuong Nhu Karate

$150 Gift Certificate for 1 Mont...

Berkeley Cuong Nhu Karate

$150 Gift Certificate for 1 Mont...

Berkeley Cuong Nhu Karate

Private 2 hour shopping party


Enjoy tapas, wine and sangria with Oxford's computer teacher Robin Harley, in a discussion about screen time and computer use for kids.  Hosted by Oxford parents Keith and Amy Parlin-Feldman.  8 invitees, $25 per person. 

Enjoy tapas, wine and sangria with Oxford's computer teacher Robin Harley, in a discussion about screen time and computer use for kids.  Hosted by Oxford parents Keith and Amy Parlin-Feldman.  8 invitees, $25 per person. 

Enjoy tapas, wine and sangria with Oxford's computer teacher Robin Harley, in a discussion about screen time and computer use for kids.  Hosted by Oxford parents Keith and Amy Parlin-Feldman.  8 invitees, $25 per person.